Does UVC Light Work?

Properly sanitizing your business has always been an integral responsibility. But, it’s more important than ever before as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since insufficient cleaning methods could adversely affect the health of your clients, customers, and employees, it’s essential that you handle it appropriately. UVC light is an option that business owners can take advantage of, but many don’t know if it works or not.

Not quite sure if it’s right for you? We’ve got all the info you need.

Let’s explore everything you need to know.

What Exactly Is UVC Light?

The term ‘UVC’ refers to a specific type of ultraviolet light that lies in between visible right and x-rays. Ultraviolet light (UV) is found naturally in sunlight and is the primary reason why sunburns occur after extended exposure.

UVC in particular, though, is often used to disinfect surfaces as an alternative to traditional methods. One of its main attributes is allowing the user to forego the use of harmful chemicals.

How Does It Work for Sanitation?

Many people initially believe that UVD light destroys pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. In practice, though, it actually deactivates the DNA of these microorganisms and prevents them from being able to replicate effectively.

When they do attempt to multiply, their modified DNA will cause the pathogens to die instead, thereby sanitizing the surface that the user applied the UVC light to.

How Long Does It Take to Work?

The amount of exposure the surface has to UVC light will impact how long the method takes to work. So, it’s recommended that you perform multiple passes in order to properly target any pathogens that are present.

Since pathogens are constantly replicating, they’ll die as soon as their DNA has been deactivated and the surface will become sanitized.

How Can I Make It More Effective?

Interestingly, combing the chemical compound ozone with UVC light treatment can drastically improve how effective it is. This is a direct result of how the chemical reacts to the UVC light.

When ozone comes into contact with ultraviolet light via the device’s ultraviolet chamber, the advanced oxidation process begins. This essentially changes the chemical makeup of the ozone, allowing it to destroy pathogens at a rapid pace.

This is particularly useful for eliminating contaminants in water, as the UVC + ozone combo is even able to destroy bacteria that are resistant to chlorine. Additionally, UVC light that comes into contact with ozonated water immediately initiates the advanced oxidation process throughout it.

Properly Using UVC Light Can Seem Complicated

But the above information will make the process far smoother. From here, you’ll be able to ensure that you seamlessly incorporate UVC light to keep your facility as safe as possible.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help.


Posted on

June 14, 2021

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